

Thanks for visiting this website dedicated to disseminating safe and efficient functional assessment procedures that inform highly effective and humane treatments for problem behavior of persons with autism or intellectual disabilities.

The website is primarily designed for Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) who are interested in developing function-based treatments for the children and adults they serve who engage in problem behavior. We also hope to make the website accessible to parents, teachers, and other helping professionals who may have questions about the safety and utility of current functional analysis procedures.

This website is dedicated to disseminating a practical means of determining the occasioning contexts and outcomes responsible for problem behaviors like self-injurious behavior and aggression often associated with autism or intellectual disabilities. The process is generally referred to as a functional assessment. The specific functional assessment process that will be the focus of this website relies on open-ended interviewing and a subsequent functional analysis referred to as an interview-informed, synthesized contingency analysis or IISCA.

Peer-reviewed research has shown IISCAs to be a quick, safe, and reliable means to understand enough about why problem behavior is occurring to design individualized treatments capable of eliminating problem behavior while promoting essential skills such as functional communication, delay and denial toleration, and contextually appropriate behaviors (e.g., accuracy with academics, vocational skills, independent leisure activity).

This website includes relevant publications, video tutorials with associated Powerpoint files and workbooks, implementation materials (e.g., interview forms), narrated videos posted by behavior analysts who have implemented IISCAs and the lessons learned from their experiences, contact information for experts who can support professionals interested in implementing the assessment and treatment processes, as well as materials relevant to preventing problem behavior and assessing and treating sleep problems. We will also include blog posts with additional tips for implementing assessment and treatment processes with integrity, revised documents and process rubrics, and links to peer-reviewed research as each becomes available.

Content written, edited, and managed by:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hanley-edited.pngGregory Hanley, Ph.D., BCBA-DOwner, Founder, CEO and Senior Consultant at FTF Behavioral ConsultingGoogle Scholar

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Theresa Fiani, Ph.D., BCBA-DLead consultant and Director of Technology at FTF Behavioral ConsultingMore Info

A special thank you to Anthony Cammilleri, Ph.D., BCBA-D and Holly Gover, Ph.D., BCBA-D for their previous contributions in writing, editing, and managing the practical functional assessment website.

*Content has been and will continue to be developed through research and our interactions with students, colleagues, practitioners, and children and their families.